Interactive World Maps


Interactive World Maps

This is a WordPress plugin in imitation of create so dense maps namely ye want, including interactive then colored markers, continents, nations or regions.

Fully well suited with the manufacturer latter WordPress v4.9 and Visual Composer!

Show Different Regions

You desire lie in a position in conformity with show hundreds of specific kinds on maps, already included:

  • A chart over the whole world.
  • A continent yet a sub-continent. (Africa, Europe, Americas, Asia, Oceania then every theirs sub-continents)
  • A country. (virtually every the nations into the ball are included, offering the near requested: USA, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Brazil, India, Australia…)
  • A country divided with the aid of its regions. *
  • A government among the United States.
  • The United States furcate by means of metropolitan areas.
  • A regimen in the United States cloven by metropolitan areas.

Color Regions or accumulate Markers

You can accumulate energetic colored regions to the map, yet display to them within 2 specific ways:

  • As Regions – It desire coloration the complete region, because instance a continent, subcontinent, a country, a united states province, yet a US state.
  • As Markers -It intention show a colored bubble in the select regions, so may lie a city, a ruler yet a country.

Add Interactivity

You do Gather interactivity in conformity with the active regions:

  • A Tooltip- A tooltip intention lie displayed by means of default regarding delay with the facts thou provide.
  • An Action ? You do accept over diferent sorts regarding work for so the user clicks among an lively area. You perform accomplish a modern URL open, or absolutely show a message. Advanced users pleasure keep in a position to beget their personal Javascript features because custom-made actions


You pleasure keep in a position to costumize the visual of thy maps:

  • Background color;
  • Box resemble stutterer then color;
  • Inactive regions color;
  • Individual colors because every energetic region;
  • Markers size;
  • Width yet Height of the map;

Add the Maps anywhere on thy website

You can utilizes a shortcode in imitation of consist of the maps among posts, pages yet too in sidebar widgets! You perform additionally accumulate the maps after your template, together with a easy personal home page function.


If no cover is targeted that will load including the most concealment reachable in the wicker tray div. For example, that choice assign yet Inure with extraordinary sizes because of phones/ipads/laptops. However, below loaded it desire no longer trade volume agreement ye resize the window.

Since version 1.4 the plugin consists of an alternative after perform the maps completely Responsive. This pleasure usage jQuery according to test agreement the oxeye bulk changed and wish redraw the chart along the new reachable space.

Cross system yet browser compatible

The maps are built within SVG, no bloom is back or therefore he wish display of Mac products.

CSS Hacks committed easy

There a not much features to that amount the Google Geochart API doesn’t provide by using default, but the plugin provides a ‘Custom CSS Generator’ in conformity with assist implement half services like linger coloration alternate effect, put into effect font icons as like markers, exchange resemble colour, amongst others.

Where according to usage it?

This plugin is Faithful for:

  • Travel Websites – Create maps according to show locations or hyperlink in conformity with pages touching a specific location
  • Traveler Website – Display a chart along destinations/countries visited
  • Multinational Companies – Create maps on the cities/countries where she operate
  • Small Companies – Show the vicinity on the commercial enterprise of a u . s . a . map
  • NGO’s – Create maps on NGO initiatives round the world
  • Infographics – Display simple in conformity with read maps along a range of information
  • And an awful lot extra sordid applications! Be creative!

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Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $4.49.

  • Last Updated:
  • Version:
  • Compatibility:
    WordPress 5.7.x,
  • Category:
    Interactive World Maps