Envira Gallery – Tags Addon


Envira Gallery – Tags Addon

Tags Addon

The Tags addon approves ye in accordance with add customized tags in conformity with each over your images within you galleries. You do then question a customized gallery beside tags aged because your images, or thou perform even operate vivid tag filtering inside thy galleries.

One on the largest pain-point including the penury WordPress media library is as so is no course to sort thy images.

We solved it trouble by including view tagging among Envira.

With Envira Gallery’s Tags addon, you can assimilate customized tags to every of you photos into thine galleries.

This is a sincerely strong functionality which does now not live into WordPress galleries through default.

When thou Gather custom tags according to images, ye execute without problems sort to them oversea or too create brawny galleries based totally about tags.

Once ye hold tagged whole the pix you necessity to tag, thou do drink couple exclusive actions along the Tags addon.

First, thou do propagate a customized margin based over certain and greater tags. The Tags addon will build a edge oversea of whole the images to that amount comprise the special tag(s). You can put to in thine very own customized ID because of the gallery, yet thou also may put in which brim ID the config have to occur from.

The ignoble assignment you may drink including the Tags addon is in imitation of redact thy brim tag filterable. Under the Tags tab, truely test the option in accordance with “Enable Tag Filtering” after enable filtering because the gallery.

This performance desire display a listing of tags upstairs thine gallery, then so a tag is clicked, such desire filter after show only the photographs tagged with up to expectation specific filter among a fancy, buoyant way. Awesome, right?


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Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $4.49.

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    WordPress 5.7.x,
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    Envira Gallery - Tags Addon