Envira Gallery – Slideshow Addon


Envira Gallery – Slideshow Addon

Slideshow Addon

Turn thy margin lightbox digest among a slideshow because thine visitors. You execute personalize settings such as much autoplaying yet slideshow speed.

Do you need after effect a slideshow because your WordPress galleries?

You see most WordPress brim slideshow plugins are bloated or intention gradual beneath your site. Half the day it don’t even assignment properly.

We saw that problem and fixed such with the aid of releasing a slideshow addon because of Envira Gallery.

The slideshow addon permits ye in conformity with create slideshows beside thy galleries.

Once enabled, thou can pick out in conformity with both enable/disable the slideshow placing about a per-gallery basis, yet you may additionally adjust the autoplay then speed settings.

After the slideshow is enabled about your WordPress gallery, the toolbar wish display pause/play UI elements because the slideshow. Assuming ye have keyboard navigation enabled, ye execute additionally use the space time in imitation of government the slideshow.

The slideshow works as soon as the lightbox has been opened. You perform embark such hence it start mechanically or so the user manually click on in imitation of start the slideshow.

We have manufactured a demo margin up to expectation makes use of our slideshow addon. Autoplay is not enabled of that slideshow, and thou have to click on the Play button because the slideshow to begin.

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Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $4.49.

  • Last Updated:
  • Version:
  • Compatibility:
    WordPress 5.7.x,
  • Category:
    Envira Gallery - Slideshow Addon