AffiliateWP – Affiliate Info


AffiliateWP – Affiliate Info

Affiliate Info allows thou in conformity with exhibit arm records primarily based on the affiliate presently existence tracked.

When a consumer clicks an affiliate’s referral URL and arrives on thine website, the affiliate’s ID is saved through AffiliateWP. Affiliate Info truely suggests statistics based totally concerning the tracked affiliate.

Let’s lecture you hold an part named John any shares his referral URL. Any consumer so much clicks concerning John’s referral hyperlink may now recommend a variety concerning records about John, anywhere concerning your website.

You can show:

  1. John’s WordPress display name
  2. John’s website URL
  3. John’s e-mail tackle (be careful along this!)
  4. John’s Gravatar image
  5. John’s WordPress username
  6. John’s biographical information (from his WordPress profile)
  7. John’s Twitter username*
  8. John’s Facebook URL*
  9. John’s Google+ URL*

There are currently 9 shortcodes to show the statistics above:

[affiliate_info_name] [affiliate_info_website] [affiliate_info_email] [affiliate_info_gravatar] [affiliate_info_username] [affiliate_info_bio] [affiliate_info_twitter]*

*Note: These fields are shown regarding a user’s WordPress outline web page now the Yoast SEO plugin is installed.

There’s additionally 2 shortcodes as you be able wrap the upon in:

[affiliate_info_referred] Show content only so an section is animal tracked (example proven below)
[affiliate_info_not_referred] Show content material solely now an affiliate is now not being tracked. Useful because supplying a fallback.

If you’re a developer you can access this facts without delay including some useful PHP functions.

Affiliate Info also manufactory together with AffiliateWP’s Credit Last Referrer option as capability the data desire change each age a instant referral URL is used.

Some potent use for that add-on include:

Showing the customer who referred them

You can exhibit a custom news based over the affiliate wight tracked. For example, “You’ve been referred by John” or “Your website consultant is John”. This builds believe within the section yet the user.

Here’s or you be able functionate this:

Your web site representative is [affiliate_info_name]

To accomplish sure that tidings solely shows then an branch is wight tracked, thou do makes use of the [affiliate_info_referred] shortcode:

[affiliate_info_referred]Your web site consultant is [affiliate_info_name][/affiliate_info_referred]

Allow the website online traveler in imitation of consultation the affiliate

There can also keep situations the place you affiliates are in direct contact together with your customers. Show the affiliate’s e-mail address, or add a shape (Gravity Forms then any other shape plugin) who sends an e mail after the group being tracked.

Note, proviso you’re running in accordance with show someone structure regarding e-mail address oversea in the wild, edit absolute you protect such using one concerning the much plugins handy about the WordPress repo.

Create a landing page

Create a touchdown page because of thy products to that amount show the cutting-edge tracked affiliate’s information. This is specially beneficial proviso an branch does now not have a website, then ye need more rule upstairs how you products are advertised. Affiliates may link directly to your landing page including their referral URL, or theirs information intention keep displayed.

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    WordPress 5.7.x,
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