SportsPress Pro Yoast SEO Extension


SportsPress Pro Yoast SEO Extension

give rise to custom titles because SportsPress pages the usage of Yoast SEO.

Custom search engine optimization variables

Use the advanced variables in conformity with cause enquire instrument friendly web page titles because every on you SportsPress pages. Define thine very own guidelines because generating titles.

Add suit small print in imitation of titles

Choose who small print to encompass of SEO titles because of suit pages. Useful because inserting small print kind of date, time, or the opposition every match belongs to.

Insert group names NEW

Automatically assimilate group names after SEO titles, erection such easier for your fans in conformity with find fits the usage of Google then mean inquire engines.

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  • Last Updated:
  • Version:
  • Compatibility:
    WordPress 5.7.x,
  • Category:
    SportsPress Pro Yoast SEO Extension