Hotel Storefront WooCommerce Theme


Hotel Storefront WooCommerce Theme

Hotel is designed because organizations promoting time, functions and accommodation, providing unique integration with WooCommerce Bookings and Accommodation Bookings. The graph is bold yet simple, allowing your content material then imagery after functionate entire the talking.

Quickly yet easily accept on a expert eCommerce portal because of you excursion home then hotel
Hotel is a Storefront infant affair so has been designed because of businesses that promote time/services –particularly these as offer accommodation, such as much hotels, B&Bs or vacation homes.Hotel is formed about the muscular Storefront bottom father or mother affairs as you comprehend and love. Enjoy one hundred percent percentage together with the contemporary version about WooCommerce yet customer-facing WooCommerce extensions.There’s a special integration with WooCommerce Bookings and WooCommerce Accommodation Bookings, as properly namely a clean manufacture edge over product pages.

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Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $4.49.

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  • Compatibility:
    WordPress 5.7.x,
  • Category:
    Hotel Storefront WooCommerce Theme