WP Job Manager Job Alerts Addon


WP Job Manager Job Alerts Addon

Job Alerts

Allow registered users in conformity with save their employment searches yet propagate signals which ship new jobs by e mail daily, hebdomadal yet fortnightly.

Create customized alerts

Job Alerts provides you with a new shortcode to conjoin after thine pages who gives logged in users an indicators management web page to add, preview, enable, disable, editand delete email alerts. Alerts be able stand configured primarily based on keywords and job types.

Create email alerts based of searches

Using the job filters in conformity with enquire because jobs? If you are logged in, you can save thine search as much an alert using the ‘add alert’ button.

Daily, weekly & fortnightly e mail alerts

Email signals can be configured in conformity with lie despatched with several different intervals triggered by way of WordPress cron. Alerts are despatched in plain text format and list every matching jobsposted during the interval.

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Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $4.49.

  • Last Updated:
  • Version:
  • Compatibility:
    WordPress 5.7.x,
  • Category:
    WP Job Manager Job Alerts Addon